Wednesday, July 9, 2014


That's it. Bye bye Barcelona.

I am going to make this my final blog post.

First of all, Barcelona is a great city. Contrary to my first comment on the subway, "Barcelona Sucks", the city has redeemed itself 10 fold. The beach, our long bike rides, MammaMia restaurant, sangria, the people and the sights. All of it good.

It is our 9 th anniversary today. A nice way to finish off our trip.

What a year! France, UAE, Bahrain, Italy and now Spain. A brand new house that I haven't even stepped in yet. A fresh start and home to Canada after almost a full year.  Family, friends and summer holidays. We are a lucky family.

The year has taught me a great deal. I have been able to take a look at how the less fortunate live and it has given me a new perspective on teaching.  I have also been exposed to the complications facing the Middle East.  I understand the value in unionized environments and what quality education really looks like. Finally, I understand that money doesn't mean anything if you are not happy.

After a year of pretty much everything life can deliver, I sign off.


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