Thursday, September 26, 2013

A busy week

Hi everyone:

We have just finished another work week. Linds is out with the girls, I am home with the kids, and all is week. We are settling into a nice routine. We finally got the proceeds from the sale of our house, cleared our debt, invested the rest and on top of that, got paid today. Feels good.

I am starting to forge relationships with my students. In fact, I was trying to get somewhere done in my room today and he three different groups of students come through the door. Good kids, all from different places!

I held my first basketball practice tonight after school. A few of the boy smoke and drink. I ran them through a pretty brutal CrossFit workout. They just about wanted to die.

The weather is cooling off very fast. In fact, the pool,temp has dropped significantly over the past two weeks. Today the high was 38c and it felt cool. Wierd.

I talked to the security guards today. They are from India and Sri Lanka. I asked them what they do for fun on their days off. They said that they don't get much time off.  After some prodding, the one fella said that he has been here for 5years and he has never been to the beach. Guess where I will be taking him soon...


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