Saturday, September 21, 2013

Our legacy?

5 AM start. Friday morning. Grab the snorkel gear and head for Al Rayan and a local spot for snorkelling that my Kiwi neighbour frequents for spear fishing. On the way north the fog became so thick that we could hardly see 10 feet in front of us. The trucks are required to stop when the fog rolls in. We passed about 100 trucks occupying the two right lanes. Once at Al rayan, we cut across the desert for a bit and got to the beach. There was a group there already. The troubling thing about this beach was the amount of garbage scattered about!  Tires, plastic bottles, bags, newspaper, and all sorts of trash all over the place. It is a cultural thing. The fishermen, despite their immediate connection to the environment, have no respect for the place that provides them with enjoyment and food. In fact, Aislyn, and I watched a fisherman dump plastic bottles, newspaper and other trash out of the back of his SUV, smile at us, wave good by and then drive away. There is a general lack of respect that is frightening to me. On the up side, the snorkelling was great. There was an abundance of fish of all different species, sizes and colours. We had a great time!  On the way back we stopped at the fish market.  We ended up getting at 5KG Red Snapper. A beautiful fish with plenty of meat.  All in all, a great day but sort of disheartening at the same time. I just have to shake my head and think, what is our legacy?

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