Friday, September 20, 2013

I have no words......

So, I know that I I haven't wrote a post in a long time because I have been so swamped with work.  But I feel the need to share this with all of you.  We live in a compound wig about 18 units, almost all of which have Philipino nannies.  The majority of people living here are British, Canadian or South African but we have a few Arabic families.  We have a live out nanny that works 5 days a week and we pay her 3000 Qatari riyals (split with another family) which is approximately 800 US dollars.  This is an extremely good wage for her and we treat her well.  This morning I was talking with a fee of the live in nannies in our compound and the one, Marietta, told me her story.  She works 7 days a week, morning to night, cooking, cleaning, doing laundry and taking care of the kids.  She is tired all the time because she never has a day off.  She told me that she has two sons in the Philipines that she sends money home to, which is what all nannies do here.  They leave their kids at home to come here to work.  Then she told me that she gets 900 Qatari riyals a month.  That is 250 US dollars.  $8 per day, $0.67 per hour.  I just about died.  How could this be?  That is slavery.  She asked me "ma'am, you help me? You help me find another job?".  My heart sank.  I am absolutely disgusted that people would think that this is ok.  That it is ok to pay someone 0.67 per hour.  Hen another nanny came by and said she gets paid the same but is leaving in November because she can't do it anymore.  But the problem is, the employers here hold the passports of their nannies so they can't run away and in order for the nanny to leave, they need a letter of release.  One employer that pays $250 per month is not one hat would let the nanny go.  So they end up running and being illegal here, unable too go home.  This nanny also told me that she has not been paid for 5 months...her employer is holding her money and she said when she leaves, they said she won't get all of the money she is owed.  What?? With my mouth wide open in shock, I offered to drive her to the Philipino embassy to fight her employer.  This is just so wrong and I need to do something.  I feel sick to my stomach that people are being abused like this I our compound.  It is common practice with the Qatari families but I didn't think all Arabic families were like that.  Any ideas on how I can help these ladies, let me know.

1 comment:

  1. Such injustices Lindsay... how sad. Wish I could offer some help or advice, but I have no idea.
