Tuesday, December 31, 2013



We just watched the World Record setting fireworks display from Dubai.  It started off slowly.  Then they went to the Palm Island where Atlantis Hotel is located...and it went off!  We looked into going there, but it was way too expensive.  It looked absolutely incredible.  Something like 540,000 fireworks were used!  Not sure of the actual cost, but I think that it is safe to say that it is in the millions!!!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Pit

This is a recent addition to our compound.  Aislyn, Nate and I went outside one day and it dawned on me...there are no rules here and we are in the middle of nowhere, so why don't we have a fire pit? It's a hit!  The other night we had about 20 adults and kids outside.  Some of the kids had never roasted marshmallows before.  Aislyn and I are constantly on the lookout for lumber lying around.  There is no shortage of it with all of the construction around here and the fact that people just throw garbage all over the place.  Having a little slice of Canada does take the edge of living in the desert.

The Local Market

This is a recently discovered mark by our place.  It has loads of fresh 
fruit and veggies, honey and gardening supplies.  If your heart desires, lamb 
and goat.  Just go and pick one out and they will take care of the rest!

The guys with the wheel barrows follow you around and collect your groceries.

This eggplant just needs a set of eyes and a mouth.

Nate Piva VS Damien Hirst

  • Nate Piva
  • Nate Edward Piva is an Canadian artist, risk taker and Trash Pack collector. He is the most prominent member of the group known as the Young Canadian Artists, who have dominated the art scene in Canada since 2010.

  • Damien Hirst
  • Damien Steven Hirst is an English artist, entrepreneur and art collector. He is the most prominent member of the group known as the Young British Artists, who dominated the art scene in Britain during the 1990s.

  • Christmas at the Beach!