Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Not myself

So the other day Linds told me that people at the school have a false impression of who I really am.  She said that I need to just be myself.  I thought that I was, but I guess that I wasn't.  I guess that I have been so wrapped up in all of the stuff happening at school that keeps me away from just doing what I do best.

I took her comments to heart and did something about it.  I was in the D-room, a large room adjacent to several classrooms.  I overheard another Canadian teacher, Keigan, say that he was going to get the computer cart key and he would be back in five minutes.  He was very clear that he wanted the kids to be very quiet and behave themselves.

I pounced on the opportunity and ran over to his grade 6 class when he left.  I told the students that I overheard what he said.  "I have a plan", I said.  They were very excited.  I asked five of the kids to go and run around like crazy and make lots of noise so that the teachers would complain.  Then I snuck into the closet in the classroom and waited till he got back.  So Keigan came back and he was livid.  He started saying that he was going to take some perks away.  He wanted to know who was responsible for all of this mess and right on cue, I jumped out of the closet and said, "It's me!"  His face was priceless and I got my MOJO back.

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