Friday, December 20, 2013

Surprise from Aislyn and Nate

Nate First...

Funny story this mooring.  I was washing the dishes and suddenly caught a strong smell in the smelled like poo.  Since the smell is not uncommon around these parts, at first I was not taken aback.  So I kept washing and then it hit me again.  The smell was coming from the sink.  How could that be?  So I investigated.  It turns out that the scrub brush that I was using smelled like poo, but I couldn't figure out why.  I eventually got to a plastic Ikea bowl and it had what appeared to look like a raisin in it.  So I took a sniff...yep, poo!!!  How the heck did poo get in the bowl you might ask.  Well, last night we watched Planes with the kids.  Aislyn complained that Nate smelled like poo.  He eventually went to the washroom, but in the process a small raisin-like kernel rolled out of his shorts onto the couch and into the crack.  Lindsay was cleaning up after the kids went to bed and found the "raisin" and put it in the bowl.  She was complaining about her fingers smelling like poo last we know why!  Thanks Nate!

Aislyn Second...

A not so funny story from last night.  Aislyn put a blanket over our computer for some reason and Nate pulled the blanket off.  The computer slammed down on the table and wiped our hard drive out!!!  I tried to reload the operating system, but the hard-drive is not even recognized.  As a parent, what do you do in this situation?  Thanks Aislyn!

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