Sunday, August 25, 2013

We have arrived!

Hi everyone:

We have arrived!  After spending three amazing days exploring Paris, we boarded our flight for Qatar.  Six hours later, we landed, in the dark.  Off the plane and directly onto the asphalt. All of you are probably wondering, how hot?  Imagine our hot summer nights and then add 10 degrees or so. That's about right.  We boarded as bus and drove for what seemed like forever.  We entered the arrivals area and somehow managed to totally miss our welcome crew that would have allowed us to skip the line. Lucky for us, they opened up a new line, and 15 minutes later we had our visas and we were on our way. As we walked through the final inspection area, a nice fella from the UK said, "just walk and don't ask questions". Good advice. On the other side of the glass, our principal Chris and our neighbours, who are also teachers at ISL-Qatar, Damon and Kim, were waiting for us with a sign. We walked out with all of our luggage, including 6 bags, two car seats and 4 back packs, right into a wedding photo shoot.  Nate and I did some great photo bombing!  Before loading our bags, a very kind person provided us with some "beverages".  You see, in Qatar it is forbidden to drink alcohol so it is difficult to get. Until we get our Residence Permits, we cannot purchase alcohol. The amount that you are permitted to purchase is based on a percentage of you annual salary. Anyway, we loaded up and headed to our compound. 

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