Monday, November 25, 2013

Feeling Homesick.....

Today I stayed home from school because yesterday I just about coughed up my lungs.  I visited the doctor, got some meds (they give out just about anything here) and rested today.  As the day went on, I felt more and more depressed, and feeling the need to get on a plane and come home.  Not sure if it was the fact that I stayed home and had time to think about life here or if it was the fact that I have had enough of the countless, useless, redundant meetings we have each week at school and no time to plan or the fact that today I actually gave a Qatari guy the finger and honked my horn at him.  I know many of you reading this are like "yup, sounds like something Lindsay would do" but I'll have you know it is not a common practise by expats here as the Qatari's are assholes and will run you over in their massive LandCruisers or pull a gun or sword out and off you if you piss them off.  Laws don't apply to them so my "finger" was quite a balsy move.  But, I don't care.  I think everything about this place is making me crazy.  The way the Qatari people treat others, their ignorant, over the top, fake lifestyle, the way the traffic makes it impossible to get anywhere, the useless and annoying meetings at school, my inability to be a good teacher because I have no time and the fly infestation that has taken over my villa and compound.  I have been smashing flies into the windows and sweeping up dead ones for days.  The recent rain has created a breeding ground for annoying flies.  Really, everything is bugging me and I just want to go home.  I miss Canada.....I miss my school, my friends, my family, the snow, Starbucks, Swiss chalet, Harvest Moon breakfasts, my students, my house, my car, my bed, my couch, my crazy Serbian neighbours, report cards, my Uggs, my Christmas tree and decorations, the market, Superstore, Zehrs, Tim Horton's, saturday drives through Beechwood.....I miss my life back home.  Not sure how I will make it to June.  We have decided not to travel at Christmas so that we can save money and do a big trip in July on our way home but I keep thinking - Christmas in Doha?  How is that gonna work?  God I hate this place.


  1. How about your fun Canadian neighbours that miss you too!!! January is coming soon... Hopefully we can catch up for some good eats. Missing you guys... a lot!

  2. Haha! Of course! Definitely missing our fun neighbours! Hoping we can catch up as well! See you soon xo
