Friday, November 8, 2013

Help for India - Follow Up

This is a follow up to my previous blog about our school security guard, Ali.  His home was destroyed and his family was displaced by Cyclone Phailin.  I have included the original blog below in case you missed it.  Our school through various fund-raising initiatives and donations was able to raise nearly 20 000 Riyals, enough money from his family to build a new home and get a fresh start.  He was a very happy man this week.  I talked with him on Tuesday and he was incredibly humbled and thankful for all of the support that he and his family received.

He is a little letter that he wrote to the staff at ISL - Qatar.  Enjoy!

Help for India

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the delay in posting.  I am watching the traffic on our blog site.  To date we have had over 2000 visits!

As you probably know, two weeks ago a massive cyclone hit the eastern coast of India.

Here is a link to an article entitled, "India's Cyclone Phailin leaves trail of destruction". (copy and paste the link to your web browser)

Ali is one of our security guards at school.  This guy smiles and waves to us every morning.  He is such a nice person!  Ali is from India and he is the only income earner for his entire family.  He had made arrangements to be married over the Christmas holidays, but his plans were dashed have due to the financial burden left by Cyclone Phalin.  The cyclone destroyed his home and his family is currently living in a shelter with many others who have been displaced.  Of course, the situation is compounded by the sub-standard living situations that existed in many parts of India prior to the arrival of the devastation cyclone.

So, my wonderful wife took it upon herself to hold a bake sale at school today in support of Ali and his family.  Muffins, cookies, brownies, and a whole bunch of other goodies were sold for 5 Riyals a piece and an incredible 6300 Riyals was generated ($1735.00 CAN).  This will certainly have a big impact on their recovery and we can't wait to give Ali the good news!

Ali, keep on smiling :)

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