Thursday, November 21, 2013


As Movember draws to a close, I have mixed emotions.

I reflect on the importance of the cause.  At my school, our Mo-Ganda fund-raising campaign is raising money for men's health awareness and a village in Uganda that is in need of numerous upgrades.  Half of the money that we raise will go to cancer research and the other half will be used to build a health care facility.  Who would have thought that facial hair could change the world?

However, despite all of its good qualities, the stache gets a little annoying around this time of the month.  It seems as though the hairs a beginning to invert and grow back towards the lip.  Don't get me wrong, I love looking like this, but the 30th seems so far away.

To all of you out there growing whatever variation of the same thing, keep calm and Mo' on!


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