Thursday, November 28, 2013

ISLQ Brawl 2013

I drive Aislyn and Nate home every Tuesday because school finishes at noon.  I am walking towards the gym corridor and I notice a small crowd start to gather and then quickly a large crowd begins to form.  My good friend and teaching colleague is in the midst of a group that is beginning to scuffle...some grade 8 Qatari boys and grade 11 non-Qatari students.  He is trying to break the two groups apart and I remember him saying, "Let go of my arm.  I am a teacher."  I couldn't hear it at the time, but one of the Qatari boys told him that he didn't give a #$%k and took a swing at his face!  My colleague ended up getting a little roughed up.  A few other teachers, a number of parents and I helped out as well.  All the while, there are little kids leaving school and fists are flying.  I grabbed one of my grade 9 Qatari boys, put my arm around him and told him to breathe with me.  He must of thought, what is Mr. Piva doing?  Is he crazy, there is a fight going on and he is telling me to breathe.  It must have worked because he missed the fight completely.  There is still some question as to what is going to happen to the boys involved.  In fact, some of them came to school the next day!  Situations such as this are handled much differently here.  There is a general concern for the powers that be, and if the wrong move is made, it could be your last wrong move.  I can't wait to see what happens next.

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