Wednesday, March 5, 2014

My trip to Bahrain

Sorry for the long delay.  I have been meaning to update the blog for the last few days, but things keep getting in the way.  

I wanted to share with you my experience in Bahrain.  Bahrain is undergoing a civil dispute in which a group of people are in protest of ruling King of the country.  We stayed in Manama, the Capital of Bahrain.  It seemed like we were taking a risk going there and we were, but to what extent?  The city is surrounded by a wall and barbwire and on the days when the organized demonstrations take place, there is a hefty military presence.  On the second day there, a funeral turned sideways and a riot broke out.  No one was injured, but peoplewere arrested.  Our cab driver told us that if we hopped over the fence we would be questioned and detainedworst case scenario, they would shoot us.  So we decided to avoid that mess.  

I have many stories to share...many!  My favourite is when I thought that a group of Indian fellas were beating someone up with a stick.  There was all sorts of noise coming from the alley way.  Turns out is was just a group of Indians beating the snot out of a giant rat!  I have seen it all!  

Here are a few samples of the things that I saw on my magical trip to Bahrain.

On the other side of the wall I was talking about.

F1 Racing Trails are on!

Yep...this is our hotel bedroom.  There is an 8-track player int he headboard!

And living room!

Nothing like waking up to the sound of sledgehammers and jackhammers.

Legal advice...I heard this guy is good!

What lies behind Door #1?

Typical mid-east construction.

It is so easy to take cool shots like this.

This guy hustled me into taking a pic with him.  Total cost, 400 fils,.  Cheap cheap!

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