Wednesday, March 19, 2014

NFL contract up for grabs.

So I was in Ezdan Mall today after school with Linds and the kids.  I was standing outside of a store when I was approached by a Qatari.  This is a first for me and a generally rare occurrence as well.

Out of nowhere he started talking about American style football.  He told me that he wanted to play in the NFL.  What???

Here is my logic...I guess that because I am a bigger than average white guy, he assumed that I must play professional football and I therefore could hook him up with a contract to play in the NFL.  I love it!

So here is the best part.  I grabbed his right bicep and told him that he has some work to do!  We exchanged a laugh together and as quickly as he came, he went.  "Time" he said, as in time to go, and we parted ways.

What a funny place.

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