Sunday, April 27, 2014

Italy Blog Post 1

I wrote these Italy blogs during our trip.  I was unable to post them to the blog because we always didn't have e-mail and wi-fi.  Hopefully you enjoy our excellent adventure.

After a full day of travel we finally made it to Rome. We almost missed our transfer in Dubai because Qatar International Airport does such an astounding job of being late.  The bus ride from the airport to the plane alone takes 20 mins.  What a ridiculous set up! 

We arrived at night and were greeted by an Italian speaking Phillipino from Canada! He showed us or place and we settled in for the night.  An apartment right on the river and only a 20 minute walk from the Vatican.

The was a butcher shop below us with fresh bread, lots of pork products and wine.  Who could ask for anything more?

The kids were up early the next day, so we got a jump start on the hoards of tourists. We took a walk and got lost in the maze of small streets found throughout the city. Coming from Canada, I quickly realized the deep history of the country and around every corner there is something old, interesting and with a long set of stories to tell. 

We ended up finding the double decker bus and drove around the city. We made several stops, but the big one was of course the Colleseum! Nate decided to make things difficult for all of us in typical Nate style. It figures that you dream of a place for so long and your child finds every angle in which to spoil it. It's all part of being a parent. All in all, we made the most of our time there and got some great pics. 

On day two in Rome we used the hop on hop off bus again. Emirates airline didn't send our stroller so we didn't have wheels for Nate. We tried to make the best of our day. We were able to see Palm Sunday mass delivered by the Pope, a visit to Trevi Fountain and the Spanish Steps. Nate made friends with an old Italian man and Aislyn saw her first lemon and orange trees. The smell in the air is almost edible!  Everything is in bloom right now. What a wonderful time of year to be in Italy!

We are just relaxing right now before we head out for dinner. We are all carbed up. Pizza, pizza and more pizza! Gotta love it.

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