Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Italy Blog Post 4

We were planning on taking to ferry to Ischita, but we missed it.  After some debate, we decided to wait until tomorrow to get a full day in on the island.  So we just started walking through the town.  We stumbled upon a tourist info centre and the lady directed us to an Colosseum built in 100 A.D., the site of numerous Roman events including battles between gladiators and animals.  It is Easter weekend and the site was not being visited by many people.  At one point, we were in the bottom of the Colosseum and there was a silence that was haunting.  We ended up playing a game of hide and seek.  The kids just loved it.  What a great experience!

We got up early today and took the train to Pouzzili and then took the boat to Ischita. We went to a super nice resort called Nogombo. It is set in the hillsides surrounded by trees and plants. There are geothermal tubs all over the place with different themes and water temperatures.  They also had a Turkish bath. Hot water heated by the earth pours out of the wall in two locations and brings the room temp up to 55 degrees. We sat in bean bag chairs on a deck overlooking the resort and the ocean. It was a great day of rest and relaxation. 

Of course, any day in Italy is not complete without Gelatto. So on our way home, that is exactly what we got. And of course, any day in Italy is not complete without some pizza and wine. So that is exactly why we did. Love this place!

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