Friday, May 2, 2014

Italy Blog Post 5

We are in Florence now staying at the Novotel just outside the city. We arrived yesterday via high speed train. Smooth as silk at 300kph!  The hotel is way cheaper than staying in Florence and they provide breakfast with a shuttle bus to the city. 

It was raining yesterday and calling for a bit of rain today. Luckily, the rain didn't come and we had a great day in Florence.  We did the hop on hop off bus with the kids.  We get to see all the sites and get off and on the bus when we want. 

Spring is in the air.  The beauty of the city and the smell of blooming plants is incredible.  The orange blossoms are out and the air is almost edible.  It is no wonder that great minds like Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarroti made their mark on the world here.

We explored most of the city's interior and countryside in one day.  The view from atop the adjacent hill sides is just magnificent.

It is Easter and the Easter Bunny made an appearance at our hotel room.

On our second day in Florence we took the train to Pisa to check out the leaning tower.  Pretty cool, but just about all that the city has to offer.

On our last day in Florence we went up to an old monastery where there was a mummy in the basement.  So random.  We also went to the Santa Maria del Fiore.  A magnificent cathedral who's construction began in 1296.

We stopped for dinner at the famous Za Za restaurant and took in the last little bit of Florence as we ate dinner on the steps of the cathedral.  Wonderful.

The kids have been troopers and it is great to see their maturity level go up as we give them more responsibility amidst all the people and places. Ais has been pushing Nate around in his stroller for the past week and she hasn't complained once.  Nate has is moments but he is having a blast and he has found his stride.

We love the amazing food here. Packing on the pounds!  Lovin life!

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