Sunday, May 18, 2014

This morning...

I woke up this morning feeling quite uninspired.  As the clock ticks by, it becomes more and more difficult to pump myself up and seize the work day.  In all my years of teaching, I have never felt like this.  Unmotivated, uninspired, deflated.

That is how my day began and then it progressed further down hill.  I went to get Nate up and he started coughing violently.  Then he puked...not food, but mucus.  The poor little guy has been struggling since we returned to Qatar from Italy.  The air here has been terrible.  Dust storms, pollution from vehicles and refineries and whatever else is present.  Even I find that I need to clean my lungs out in the morning and I still feel like crap.

Nate was sitting at the table eating his breakfast and then he motioned that he was going to throw up again.  This time he had food in him and it went all over the place.  It was 6:30am and we normally leave for work at this time.

Time for Plan B.

I phone my head of secondary and give him the low down.  By the way, Ais has a cough too!!!  I take the kids to work, make some quick plans and then off to the doctor.

Here is my theory.  All of these things, artificial air from the air conditioners, dust in the air from construction and desertification, dust in the house, dust mites, refinery pollutants both large and small particle size, vehicle emissions etc.  All of these things are attacking the health of my kids.  I felt so bad for them today for putting them in this position.

The doctor confirmed all of this.  She said that many children in the country struggle with severe asthma and develop rashes all over their body.  As a result of the pollution and dust, their adenoids become inflamed and harden.  This results in permanent issues with snoring and ear infections because the nasal passageway is blocked.  I fear for Nate and I hope that he doesn't develop any serious conditions.

So there is no AC on and I bought two fans, one for each of their rooms.  We will see what happens.

At the end of the day, health and happiness outweighs any financial compensation.  I simple don't understand how anyone can convince themselves that it is a good place to live.  It is like they are selling their soul and their health.  The environmental conditions are exacerbated by the social conditions inclusive of maniac drivers and disparities in wealth.  I get dizzy just thinking about it.  My head is spinning.

40 days to go!

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