Monday, April 28, 2014

Italy Blog Post 2

Yesterday was our last full day in Rome. We had another great day of weather. Sunshine and mid 20s. A nice change from the blazing temps of Qatar.

We decided to go to the Vatican and climb up to the top of the dome. Even with the lift there is still 320 winding steps to climb. At one point because of the angle of the walls, it feels as though you are climbing up sideways. We got to the top and took in the view for just a few minutes before heading back down. The crowds are a challenge, but everything seems to keep moving. I find it hard to believe that they let people climb up to the top because there is only one way in and one way out.  It breaks every fire code that exists.

After that, we went inside the church. Impressive. It is hard to believe that the structure was built long before modern technology. Cranes for example! Amazing. 

We ended up going back to the Colleseum area end walked around some if the surrounding ruins. Lots and lots of history and people.  It is unfortunate but there are annoying salesmen from India pushing cheesy slime toys.  We were sitting there taking in the sights and at one point we had three guys trying to tell us something.  Linds was already done with them.  I gave them the benefit of the doubt, but when I begin to get short with people it is time for them to leave.  I let them know that they were not welcome and they left. 

 By our apartment there is a community known as Trestevere.  We have fallen in love with it!  We had dinner at a wonderful Ma and Pa restaurant. It reminded me a lot of my Grandpa Piva's place. Nic-nacs everywhere. We stuffed ourselves, grabbed a gelato and headed home to rest. 

Off the Naples today!

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