Monday, June 23, 2014

I am grateful.

There is a worker named Rahim on our staff who is leaving to go home to Sri Lanka after two years of working at ISL Qatar.  He left Sri Lanka with his home literally half finished.  He is returning to Sri Lanka in order to finish the rest of his home himself.  His wish is to provide shelter for his family before returning back to Qatar to fulfil another two year term on his contract.  He has written a letter to the ISL Qatar staff asking for some financial assistance to make this dream possible.

There is a worker named Ed on our staff who is leaving to go home to Canada after 10 months working at ISL Qatar.  He left Canada after selling his home and investing the proceeds from its sale.  He is returning home to a brand new house that was finished by a professional home builder.  His wish to provide shelter for his family before settling into a comfortable lifestyle in Canada.  He is writing a letter to the rest of the world to let them know that his time in Qatar has been a humbling experience that has opened his eyes to the gap that exists between those who have and those who have not.

For this he is grateful.

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