Wednesday, June 11, 2014


1 set of MYP Report Cards to be done
60 grade 10 geography exam papers marked
45 grade 10 business papers marked
65 grade 9 geography papers marked
37 pages and 17 000 plus words of report card text in Word
37 pages and 17 000 plus words of report card text from Word transferred over the ManageBac
100s of ATL buttons pushed
4 classes proof read
1 fight with a teaching colleague
21 homeroom comments to be entered
1 set of unrealistic expectations
1 set of DP Report Cards to be done
11 Standard Level geography papers to be marked
8 Higher Level geography papers to be marked
11 marks to be entered
1 worn out teacher who is not done reporting yet and is ready to return to a working environment where he is appreciated and is treated like a human being and not like a machine.  Seriously!

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