Friday, February 21, 2014

Aspire Park and The Burgerry

Right now the weather is changing.  There is still a cool breeze, but the Sun is getting hotter.  So we went for a walk at Aspire Park yesterday, one of the bigger parks in Doha.  Very pleasant, very artificial, but nonetheless, an escape from the desert.  We were there on a Friday during the morning prayers over the loud speakers.  There were about four different mosques around us, and all of the men wet shouting in Arabic.  At one point, I walked up to a speaker tower.  It was playing the sound of birds chirping, there were four security cameras on top of it and the loud speakers were blasting from the mosques in the distance.  Beautiful!

Boab tree native to Africa and Australia.

The Burgerry sells pretty darn good burgers and has a cool retro atmosphere.

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