Friday, February 14, 2014

Early rise.

I got up early this morning because of the following reasons:

1 - Our bed is terrible
2 - It is freezing cold in our place.  Low temps (9 degrees) and concrete walls, bad combination!)
3 - There is a cat that I want to kill.  It starts meowing at around 4:30am.
4 - The first call to prayer comes over the loud speaker at 5am sharp.
5 - I threw in the white towel around 5:15am.

The advantages of an early rise:

1 - Went for a jog in the fog.
2 - Saw my first desert hedgehog, although he was dead.
3 - Went with Aislyn to the gas station for a fresh squeezed OJ.
4 - Took some good pics...check them out.

The workers were all at the gas station.  There is a buzz in the air.  They don't have to work yet because of the heavy fog. They were all lined up in the gas station for tea and all along the side of the road having conservations.  I offered to by the guys in the convenience store a round of tea, but they had all already paid.  Darnit!

This is the half demolished building by our place.  Every time I drive by it I ask myself,
"Why didn't they finish the job?"  Oh ya, we are in Qatar!

Wonderful!  It's everywhere.  When I get back to Canada, I have some great shirt ideas.  
My first encounter with a Qatari in Canada should be an interesting one.

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