Friday, January 24, 2014

Aislyn's 7th Birthday - Souq Waqif Trip #3

It's that time of year again...0123.  The easiest birthday to remember.  January 23, 2007.  It is hard to believe that Aislyn is 7 already.  when we asked her were she wanted to go for her birthday, she said The Souq.  Too funny!  We had a great time tonight.  Both Aislyn and Nate fell asleep in the car on the way home tonight.  Too cute.  Take a look at the pictures.

After seeing this, what can you say?

A Qatari boy and his falcon.

Some sort of a caramel sauce.  Smelled really good!

These old men should be retired.  But no, they are porters for the Souq.
There are so many things wrong with this place.

Peacocks in the back of a Hummer.  Not at all surprising.

Nate jumped at the opportunity to hold this falcon.
So did Ais!

There are several shops like this at the Souq.  Prices for these birds range from 5000QR to 50000QR.  
That is about 15000 Canadian!

This white one is 50000QR!  Beautiful bird,  stuck on
a post in a store waiting for someone to buy it.

Here is a contradiction.  Check out the skyscrapers with the cranes in the background.
Old meets new.  We see a lot of this in Doha.

This restaurant was amazing!  Fresh pita bread, hummus, garlic labnah, freshly squeezed orange strawberry and mint-lime juice, chicken and lamb kabobs, great service and a great atmosphere.

My purchase, a discontinued Iraqi Dinar.  It will one day be a great
conversation starter back at the Piva house in the Waterloo.

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