Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Insurance anyone?

Aislyn and I saw them cleaning this accident up yesterday.  It looked as though the White Toyota Land Cruiser (I call them "Invaders") went through the intersection too fast (Suprising!!!) and ended up taking out a car and a pole.  After an accident, the police leave the cars at the side of the road for weeks sometimes...as if to remind everyone of how poorly they are driving and what happens as a result.  There are the best of the worst drivers over here.  We see at least three to four accidents a week.  You have to have eyes in they back of your head when driving because people come in your lane all the time, they talk on their cells, their kids are crawling around the front seat, and they think that they are driving a sports car, not a 5000 lbs SUVs.  It looks good on them when their car is all smashed up.  

You know what they say about Karma.

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