Friday, January 31, 2014

Day 1 - No oranges, flies, hockey and apple sauce!

Well, Linds is on her way home and I am here in Qatar with the kids.  She made it to London via Bahrain this morning and she is on her way to Toronto if not already there.  Aislyn, Nate and I miss her dearly.  We made the most of the of our first day of vacation.  We went to the gas station with plans to get the car washed, get an OJ and play at the park.  Too bad they were out of oranges and it started raining outside!!!  And, oh ya, the flies are back!

So we came home and played outside after the rain stopped.  Street hockey has taken off in our compound thanks to our neighbour who made a couple of nets and has some sticks...but not enough for all the kids.  The usual squabbling takes place as the kids struggle to share.  So, I heard enough and made a stick for Nate so that he doesn't have to jostle for position anymore.  The kids were all playing with my tools as I put the stick together.  Did I see any other parents during that 2 hour stretch.  Nope.  Wait, actually it did.  One of the Dad's drove by and commented on how many kids there were.  Did he come out to help supervise or even get involved...nope!  Amazing parenting I tell ya.

We were outside most of the day.  Nate took a nice long nap and Ais and I went to the gym for a workout.  We had a nice dinner and for dessert, we had chocolate ice cream and home made apple sauce made by your's truly.  A man of many talents!  All in all, we had a pretty sweet day and I am ready for bed.

The flies on one of the slides at the gas station!
Nate's new stick.

Ed Piva's made made apple sauce!

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