Friday, January 3, 2014

Silly Ted...

It has been a while since Ted got himself into a little bit of trouble, but he has done it again.  This time, Ted was at the mall attempting to make a left hand turn in the parking lot.  A local fella driving a Porsche decided that he would try to make a left hand turn in front of Ted, but Ted had the right of way and he was already committed to his move.  The local guy was not pleased with Ted and decided to throw something at Ted's car.  Ted went ahead and parked his car, only to notice that the crazed local was now coming to further express his displeasure.  On his wife's advice, Ted decided that it was a good idea to move from the spot, only to be stuck behind another car with the maniac behind him now!!!  Ted drove away with the local in hot pursuit.  Once two lanes opened up, the local sped up to get beside Ted.  Ted is a good driver and saw the move.  So as the crazy local sped up, Ted hit the brakes and the local flew past him, threw his car into reverse only to see Ted hit the gas and drive away.  Now the local was seeing red and cut Ted off completely.  Ted was ready.  As the local got out of his car, Ted rolled down his window only half way.  Ted was hoping that the local lunatic would stick his arm in the car so that Ted could grab his arm and roll up the window and start driving away.  Ted thought that this would make him realize who was actually in control.  This was Ted's fantasy of course : )  So what actually happened you may ask?  The local approached Ted's car with the window half way down.  The local expressed his anger at Ted in a language that Ted could not understand.  Ted made it clear that Ted had the right of way.  Turns out the 16 year old braces wearing 110 pound waif got cold feet when he saw the size of Ted and thought better of escalating the situation.  Good little boy.

Moral of the story...Ted just can't wait to meet one of these locals in Canada!

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